Welcome to Panda Token

Panda token is a make-your-dream-come-true token that you can hold on to for a long time in your life. Hop on board and join the ride right now! $Panda to the stars!


Token follows a unique tokenomics model to ensure a fair and successful distribution: 


To buy Panda, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

Download and set up a compatible
wallet, such as MetaMask, Conbase
Web3 Wallet, or Trust Wallet.

Step 2

Purchase Ethereum (ETH) on a crypto currency exchange and transfer it to
your wallet.

Step 3

Go to decentralized exchange
Uniswap.org and connect your wallet
via wallet connect.

Step 4

Select Panda (PANDA) as the desired
token and enter the amount you’d like
to buy. The official token address to
import is 0xb08B45F6d8D81DD7B3223408b1F2aF3a4ea4e02d

Step 5

Review the transaction details,
confirm the swap, and enjoy your

*Please note that trading fees and slippage may apply during the purchase process.


Our roadmap showcases the milestones we aim to achieve. Please be aware this is a list of desires and there is no development team behind Panda, it’s all community driven:

Q2 2023:

Q3 2023:

Panda to the stars.


Q: How do I buy Panda (PANDA)?

A: Follow the steps outlined in the ‘How to Buy’ section above.

Q: What wallet should I use to store PANDA?

A: Compatible wallets include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and other wallets that support ERC20 tokens.

Q: What makes Panda unique compared to other meme coins?

A: Panda stands out due to it is a symbol of Chinese culture that lots of people loved😍 and a dedicated community.



Disclaimer** $Panda is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The coin is for entertainment purposes only. The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, or other professional advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks, and you should perform your own research before making any decisions. Not responsible for any losses or damages that may occur as a result of using the information provided on this website.